JLCPCB In-Stock Parts Engine (Unofficial)home/components/list


398543PHR-2-RP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS8540970.023714286
111514PHR-4P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x4P PH 4 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS7023620.014571429
495693PHR-2-BLP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS5480190.026857143
157952PHR-6P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x6P PH 6 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS3737810.018571429
398538PHR-2-BKP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS3108760.029
3984534P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x4P 4 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS2755400.029571429
157950PHR-8P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x8P PH 8 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS2341470.026142857
495663PHR-3-BKP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x3P PH 3 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS2187750.027
398547PHR-2-YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS1399730.019
185219355070400P=2mm2mm 1x4P 4 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS1346930.046571429
505087510650200P=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS899590.039571429
2637443P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x3P 3 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS864170.032571429
274383PARP-04VP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x4P PA 4 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS859170.039
49519511P-SANP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x11P 11 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS832550.083857143
157960PHR-12P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x12P PH 12 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS803090.065714286
505088510650300P=2mm2mm 1x3P 3 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS800850.040714286
392421179228-3P=2mm2mm 1x3P 3 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS634560.027714286
274394PARP-06VP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x6P PA 6 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS591750.042428571
505253510650400P=2mm2mm 1x4P 4 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS579020.036428571
594818PNDP-08V-ZP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 2x4P 4 2 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS559660.134714286
3851105601230200P=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS535200.065285714
157962PHR-10P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x10P PH 10 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS526380.038714286
274384PARP-03VP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x3P PA 3 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS517960.026714286
398512PADP-16V-1-SP=2mm2mm 2x8P 8 2 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS512080.138142857
32710130510050200P=2mm2mm 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS497500.058
5319572-179694-2P=2mmFree suspension Tin 1x2P 2 IDCconnector 2mm 1 P=2mm IDC Connectors ROHS484100.055857143
495675PARP-02VP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PA 2 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS483330.026714286
210124173977-3P=2mmTin Phosphor Bronze IDCconnector 2mm 1 P=2mm IDC Connectors ROHS430620.031714286
157951PHR-7P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x7P PH 7 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS427980.025571429
1273425023510200P=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS393500.049714286
157955PHR-2P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS385160.010242857
594849PNIRR-02VFP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PNI 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS347900.134285714
5048345051510600P=2mm2mm 1x6P 6 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS319840.079142857
56642.0 短路帽P=2mmOpen top 1.5A 2mm P=2mm Shunts, Jumpers ROHS306870.009
3984546P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x6P 6 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS305900.027285714
398442PHNR-02-HP=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS304370.055571429
18077982BX-PH2.0-2PJKP=2mm2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS297470.003671429
594739PADP-10V-1-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 2x5P PAD 5 2 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS290020.229857143
39848602P-SJNP=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS287870.057857143
3920617P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x7P 7 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS286040.035428571
506669DF11-8DS-2CP=2mm2mm 2x4P 4 2 2mm Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS283910.099857143
265394PHR-5P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x1P PH 5 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS263020.021428571
5053585024390800P=2mm2mm 1x8P 8 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS243510.072285714
594807PHR-4-YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x4P PH 4 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS236320.021714286
39848503P-SJNP=2mm2mm 1x3P 3 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS236000.049428571
294045513820400P=2mm2mm 1x4P 4 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS229880.069857143
706918X2016HM-02-N0P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS225400.0039
3984512P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS224820.019571429
2940245023510600P=2mm2mm 1x6P 6 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS217650.083142857
392170513820200P=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS204790.069142857
505254510650700P=2mm2mm 1x7P 7 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS203580.101
3984569P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x9P 9 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS199780.043571429
392383173977-2P=2mmFree suspension Tin 1x2P 2 IDCconnector 2mm 1 P=2mm IDC Connectors ROHS198740.035285714
398427PAP-08V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x8P PA 8 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS193740.076571429
493122PAP-05V-YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x5P PA 5 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS192860.069714286
294046513820500P=2mm2mm 1x5P 5 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS189910.083285714
3984558P-SANP=2mm2mm 1x8P 8 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS186320.048285714
594806PHR-4-MP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x4P PH 4 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS185560.027
504824513531800P=2mm2mm 2x9P 9 2 5mm P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS183150.187571429
398550PHR-5-YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x5P PH 5 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS182300.026571429
185223355070300P=2mm2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS182280.041
7462704ZX-PH2.0-4PJKP=2mm2mm 1x4P PH 4 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS180500.006371429
495676PAP-02V-RP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PA 2 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS176000.034
5124168HC-PH-6YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x6P PH 6 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS175610.0111
161864PAP-03V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x3P PA 3 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS174500.050714286
392161510650500P=2mm2mm 1x5P 5 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS173000.034
157956PHR-16P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x16P PH 16 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS169450.092857143
398568PHR-2-MP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS168880.027142857
495652PHR-6-RP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x6P PH 6 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS168430.032142857
594768PAP-04V-RP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x4P PA 4 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS163600.058142857
2940485051510200P=2mm2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS163330.063714286
594795PHNR-03-HP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x3P 3 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS162680.041285714
185222355070500P=2mm2mm 1x5P 5 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS161360.056
564803510650900P=2mmP=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS160000.105428571
32682795055700201P=2mm2mm 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS159510.109571429
2597935024391000P=2mm2mm 1x10P 10 1 P=2mm Rectangular Connectors Housings ROHS159260.078571429
161865PAP-04V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x4P PA 4 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS156520.049
265393PHR-3P=2mm1 3 2mm PH -25℃~+85℃ 1x3P Without a buckle White UL94V-0 PA66 Without Wings P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire )156300.017285714
2962318HC-HY-3YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS155500.008685714
506661DF11-18DS-2CP=2mm2mm 2x9P 9 2 2mm Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS152020.089857143
277587511100460P=2mm2mm 2x2P 2 2 2mm P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS150000.114714286
2940235023510500P=2mm2mm 1x5P 5 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS148970.060142857
594844PNIRP-08V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x8P PNI 8 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS148540.067142857
22398236HC-JP200-1-50-CL-L-G1P=2mmP=2mm Shunts, Jumpers ROHS147800.033857143
398531PHR-5-RP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x5P PH 5 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS146990.032285714
505020513820600P=2mm2mm 1x6P 6 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS142590.098857143
2940225023510400P=2mm2mm 1x4P 4 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS142410.052142857
4956785P-SANP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x5P 5 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS140800.026285714
157961PHR-11P=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x11P PH 11 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS138390.040285714
495191PUDP-20V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 2x10P 10 2 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS134160.242857143
392384173977-4P=2mmFree suspension Tin 1x4P 4 IDCconnector 2mm 1 P=2mm IDC Connectors ROHS134100.052571429
161863PAP-02V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P PA 2 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS132040.044142857
2962317HC-HY-2YP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x2P 2 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS128800.010557143
7462702ZX-PH2.0-2PJKP=2mm2mm 1x2P PH 2 1 P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS128650.0036
485356PAP-11V-SP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x11P PA 11 1 With locking buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS128450.068142857
566511PHNR-09-HP=2mm-25℃~+85℃ 2mm 1x9P 9 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS123670.112571429
486680440129-3P=2mm2mm 1x3P 3 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS122560.031857143
56732113KR-6H-PP=2mmTin 2mm 1 P=2mm IDC Connectors ROHS120000.157571429
505019510150700P=2mm2mm 1x7P 7 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS119000.055714286
306024440129-4P=2mm2mm 1x4P 4 1 Without a buckle P=2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS118850.042142857