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27759939012020P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x1P 1 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS840270.038
27769639012040P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS376160.064857143
25978539012041P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS233150.125
50164539013045P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS207490.272857143
32666280039014021P=4.2mm4.2mm 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS179100.15
188211172160-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS173370.125714286
564651469920410P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS166550.136142857
27762439012061P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS153790.119
29349939013043P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS145600.146585714
547644.2-2*3Y公壳P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS141570.032285714
23418439012060P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS138680.068857143
56459339014037P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 Without a buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS120180.145585714
27761039012045P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS119830.094285714
188371172233-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x2P 2 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS119090.087428571
80991172159-1P=4.2mmTE Connectivity 172159-1118560.105142857
5644332004530003P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS118230.218
29350139014041P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x4P 4 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS117500.117142857
585344469930410P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS101700.280857143
200410172163-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 3x5P 5 3 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS100700.212571429
12240739014032P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS99030.202142857
50505739014047P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x4P 4 1 Without a buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS98730.209
29349739012200P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x10P 10 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS91710.251142857
50506250291662P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS90000.1523
41364878IPCW420T01POFATP=4.2mmP=4.2mm Housing Contact ROHS85500.013157143
29337115060040P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS82880.391428571
50164339012066P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS80660.223857143
5742481586765-6P=4.2mm-40℃~+105℃ 4.2mm 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS80000.265142857
210133172157-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x2P 2 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS76350.085857143
25975639012121P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x6P 6 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS69910.279714286
4987621586017-6P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 Without a buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS69900.179428571
58891815060085P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS67490.345714286
50505539014033P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS63300.216714286
394358172330-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS62620.175714286
50500639014031P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS62300.093428571
29332539012021P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x1P 1 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS60100.061142857
29330715060065P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS59900.262
50480539014036P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 Without a buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS57900.104
50505039013042P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS56950.117714286
56458739013085P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS56120.300428571
29349839012240P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x12P 12 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS49610.284142857
29332639012141P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x7P 7 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS49120.307428571
915460X9357HM-05-N0P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 1x5P 5 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS48800.072142857
29349439012125P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x6P 6 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS48770.182571429
27769939012046P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS47310.179142857
200709172170-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 3x4P 4 3 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS47280.111142857
915117X9357HM-2x01-N0P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x1P 1 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS44920.042714286
50481515060080P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS44300.325142857
915118X9357HM-2x02-N0P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS42050.037714286
58577015060066P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS40630.535714286
56459239013129P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x6P 6 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS40000.458571429
305755172161-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 3x3P 3 3 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS39950.174142857
50503615060061P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS39850.597142857
442534.2-2*4AWP=4.2mm2x4P 8P 2 4.2mm 4.2mm 4 P=4.2mm Wire To Board Connector ROHS37650.156457143
498617794954-8P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS36820.132142857
49234839012180P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x9P 9 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS35190.267857143
564653469921610P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x8P 8 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS34450.537142857
48557339012220P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x11P 11 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS33480.227714286
505079469920610P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS33210.181
27738339012065P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS32690.121571429
27760339012145P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x7P 7 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS32410.270428571
5441102HC-5557-2YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 1x2P 2 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS30380.038
27758639012201P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x10P 10 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS29990.375714286
305886794954-6P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS29990.126571429
210119172169-1P=4.2mm4.2mm 3x3P 3 3 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS27490.193142857
2962347HC-5557-2*2YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS24790.073571429
27771839012161P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x8P 8 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS24770.242571429
24082739012025P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x1P 1 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS24370.062571429
7541594ZX-5557-4.2-2-8P-MGJKP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x8P 8 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS23450.173
5441103HC-5557-3YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS21110.060857143
23418539012120P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x6P 6 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS20880.120285714
5441104HC-5557-4YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 1x4P 4 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS20870.077571429
27763039014030P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS20840.108285714
48532739012140P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x7P 7 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS20760.250428571
696961X9357HM-03-N2P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 1x3P 3 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS20170.045571429
27758539014040P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x4P 4 1 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS19950.111571429
7541578ZX-5557-4.2-2-4P-HGJKP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS19700.079
915120X9357HM-2x04-N0P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS19680.061571429
2962346HC-5557-2*1YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x1P 1 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS19550.073714286
50480939014050P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x5P 5 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS19250.208
7541577ZX-5557-4.2-2-3P-HGJKP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS18900.058428571
915119X9357HM-2x03-N0P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS18680.053857143
50517239014051P=4.2mm4.2mm 1x5P 5 1 With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS17120.250142857
2962348HC-5557-2*3YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x3P 3 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS16670.088285714
19193337XD-5557-2*2YP=4.2mm4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS14900.091714286
5777773HC-5557-2*2Y-BP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS14840.098142857
50504539012245P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x12P 12 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS14380.408571429
50504439012165P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x8P 8 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS14080.253714286
2962352HC-5557-2*7YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x7P 7 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS13560.240857143
986514.2-2*5Y公壳P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x5P 5 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS12990.080285714
5777772HC-5557-2*2Y-RP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS12670.098142857
2962353HC-5557-2*8YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x8P 8 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS12270.259142857
29349339012105P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x5P 5 2 4.2mm P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS11990.206571429
18548100HC-5557-2*5EY-05P=4.2mm-40℃~+105℃ 4.2mm 2x5P 5 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS11790.284285714
7541576ZX-5557-4.2-2-2P-HGJKP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS11500.039142857
48567339012160P=4.2mm4.2mm 2x8P 8 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS11210.391
2962349HC-5557-2*4YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x4P 4 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS10920.141285714
2962350HC-5557-2*5YP=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x5P 5 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS10220.115714286
466304.2-2*2Y公壳P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x2P 2 2 4.2mm With locking buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS10140.032714286
908462X9357HF-04I-N2P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 1x4P 4 1 Without a buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS10000.050571429
908466X9357HF-2x12G-N2P=4.2mm-25℃~+85℃ 4.2mm 2x12P 12 2 4.2mm Without a buckle P=4.2mm Housings (Wire To Board / Wire To Wire ) ROHS10000.208142857