JLCPCB In-Stock Parts Engine (Unofficial)home/components/list


313270SJD12C12L01SOD-123S10.1A 19.9V 13.3V Bidirectional 12V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS45040.038285714
313280SJD12C20L01SOD-123S6.2A 32.4V 22.2V Bidirectional 20V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS30070.047285714
313183SJD12A170L01SOD-123S275V 189V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS30000.047857143
313196SJD12A45L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS30000.048
5179966CDBMTS140L-HFSOD-123SSOD-123S Schottky Diodes ROHS30000.140142857
313178SJD12A14L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS29090.043
313198SJD12A51L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS28900.042
313262SJD12C07L01SOD-123S12V 7.78V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS28640.037
313182SJD12A16L01SOD-123S26V 17.8V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS28060.034
313166SJD12A06L01SOD-123S19.4A 10.3V 6.67V Unidirectional 6V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS27410.029428571
313267SJD12C110L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS23210.054285714
313291SJD12C51L01SOD-123S82.4V 56.7V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS20780.054428571
313264SJD12C09L01SOD-123S13A 15.4V 200W 10V 9V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS17700.054428571
313201SJD12A6.5L01SOD-123S11.2V 7.22V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS14110.032428571
313194SJD12A40L01SOD-123S3.1A 64.5V 44.4V Unidirectional 40V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS9720.043428571
313287SJD12C40L01SOD-123S3.1A 64.5V 44.4V Bidirectional 40V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS8400.036571429
313171SJD12A10L01SOD-123S11.8A 17V 11.1V Unidirectional 10V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS6110.044571429
313261SJD12C06L01SOD-123S19.4A 10.3V 6.67V Bidirectional 6V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS5980.034857143
313187SJD12A22L01SOD-123S5.7A 35.5V 24.4V Unidirectional 22V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS3230.047571429
313299SJD12C75L01SOD-123S121V 83.3V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2160.049857143
313175SJD12A12L01SOD-123S10.1A 19.9V 13.3V Unidirectional 12V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1960.043142857
313189SJD12A26L01SOD-123S42.1V 28.9V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1210.041571429
313293SJD12C58L01SOD-123S93.6V 64.4V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1040.052571429
313289SJD12C45L01SOD-123S2.8A 72.7V 50V Bidirectional 45V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS860.054142857
313204SJD12A7.5L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS560.053857143
313282SJD12C24L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS470.056142857
313298SJD12C70L01SOD-123S1.8A 113V 77.8V Bidirectional 70V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS310.035142857
313269SJD12C120L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS190.037428571
313169SJD12A09L01SOD-123S13A 15.4V 10V Unidirectional 9V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS170.037428571
313191SJD12A30L01SOD-123S48.4V 33.3V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS100.051857143
313266SJD12C10L01SOD-123S11.8A 17V 11.1V Bidirectional 10V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS90.037285714
313205SJD12A70L01SOD-123S1.8A 113V 77.8V Unidirectional 70V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS80.044142857
313284SJD12C28L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS70.042857143
313288SJD12C43L01SOD-123S69.4V 47.8V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS70.037428571
313263SJD12C08L01SOD-123S13.6V 8.89V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS40.054571429
313276SJD12C16L01SOD-123S26V 17.8V SOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS30.051428571
313303SJD12C90L01SOD-123SSOD-123S ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS10.054285714