JLCPCB In-Stock Parts Engine (Unofficial)home/components/list


46048674AHC1G04W5-7SOT-251 1uA 7.5ns@5V,50pF 2V~5.5V SOT-25 Inverters ROHS130410.065142857
460369AP7311-18WG-7SOT-2565dB@(100Hz) 150mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS115070.085857143
176944AP2112K-1.8TRG1SOT-25600mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS82100.137857143
435846TLV271IW5-7SOT-25Single 1pA 2V/us 1.9MHz SOT-25 Operational Amplifier ROHS59950.208714286
460409AP7380-50WR-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 5V Positive electrode 24V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS53010.161714286
460413AP7383-50WR-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 5V Positive electrode 30V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS47230.119428571
2680321AP22814AW5-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 50mΩ 3A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS40860.23
150498TLV271CW5-7SOT-25Single 1pA 2V/us 1.9MHz SOT-25 Operational Amplifier ROHS40420.158714286
445532AP22802BW5-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 50mΩ 2A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS33570.119285714
2891272XC6223H331MR-GSOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS33210.185428571
500761AP2141WG-7SOT-25SOT-25 AC-DC Controllers and Regulators ROHS30850.160571429
526381AP7335-15WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(1kHz) Fixed 1.5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS30200.1569
2891257XC6204B502MRSOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS30140.22
151004AP7331-33WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(100Hz) Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS30020.119285714
2678580AL8807AW5-7SOT-25SOT-25 LED Drivers ROHS30001.101428571
780913ZXCT1082E5TASOT-25SOT-25 Current Sense Amplifiers ROHS29920.894285714
526385AP7366-33W5-7SOT-25600mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS29660.137
6500975AP7365-15WG-7SOT-2565dB@(1kHz) 600mA Fixed 1.5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS29400.169714286
2897770XC6227C121MR-GSOT-2565dB@(1kHz) 700mA Fixed 1.2V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS29170.319
2149782AP2171AW-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 95mΩ 1A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS28920.169142857
5248553AP7315Q-18W5-7SOT-2575dB@(1kHz) 150mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 5.25V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS28820.140857143
460387AP7354-45W5-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 4.5V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS28750.270571429
108094XC9104D093MRSOT-25Boost type 1.5V~30V 400mA 900mV~10V SOT-25 DC-DC Converters ROHS28270.405714286
6741428AP7375-50W5-7SOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS27900.294614286
7464710LM321G-AF5-RSOT-25100dB 32V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS27130.085714286
5553303AP7366-18W5-7SOT-2575dB@(1kHz) 600mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS26820.142571429
460383AP7343-33W5-7SOT-2575dB@(1kHz) 300mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 5.25V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS26650.216428571
5329422ZXCT1085QE5TASOT-25SOT-25 Supervisor and Reset ICs ROHS26401.001428571
698021VRR1202LSXSOT-25300mA 75dB@1kHz 1.2V 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS26030.066285714
84248874LVCE1G126W5-7SOT-2532mA 1 1.4V~5.5V 32mA 1 SOT-25 Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers ROHS25860.199857143
2150207AP22814BW5-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 50mΩ 3A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS25590.233142857
3001658AP2205-W5-7SOT-25250mA Adjustable 1.24V~22V Positive electrode 24V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS25360.117571429
5290221AP2191AW-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 95mΩ 1.5A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS23520.206714286
460362AP7115-10WG-7SOT-2570dB@(1kHz) 150mA Fixed 1V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS23040.186285714
460629ZXCT1086QE5TASOT-25SOT-25 Current Sense Amplifiers ROHS22791.127142857
138359ZXCT1085E5TASOT-25SOT-25 Current Sense Amplifiers ROHS22770.63
69559XC6201P302MRSOT-25Fixed 3V Positive electrode 10V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS22560.181
445501TL431BW5-7SOT-252.495V~36V ±0.5% 100mA Adjustable SOT-25 Voltage Reference ROHS22350.1455
5244397AP7330-W5-7SOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS22210.136
3001660AP22811AW5-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 50mΩ 2A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS21400.195857143
460376AP7331-28WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(100Hz) Fixed 2.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS20230.093714286
481690AL5816QW5-7SOT-253V 50kHz PWM 1 15mA 4.5V~60V SOT-25 LED Drivers ROHS19230.391428571
2891273XC6227C181MR-GSOT-2565dB@(1kHz) 700mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS18750.211857143
3001665AP7330D-W5-7SOT-25300mA 80dB@(1kHz) Adjustable 1V~4.5V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS18650.1433
3013659XC6504A181MR-GSOT-25150mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS18330.174
460386AP7354-33W5-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS17400.257857143
156275AP7331-15WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(100Hz) Fixed 1.5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS17330.142285714
460402AP7365-18WG-7SOT-2565dB@(1kHz) 600mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS16710.118714286
113628AL8807W5-7SOT-25Step-down 1 DC-DCConverter 1A 6V~36V SOT-25 LED Drivers ROHS16330.631428571
84226174AHC1G00W5-7SOT-252V~5.5V 1uA 1 7.5ns@5V,50pF NAND Gates SOT-25 Logic Gates ROHS13730.059714286
52634774LVC1G34W5-7SOT-251 32mA 1.65V~5.5V 32mA 1 SOT-25 Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers ROHS13220.093142857
512497674LVC1G07QW5-7SOT-2532mA 1 1.65V~5.5V 32mA 1 SOT-25 Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers ROHS11050.102714286
2891277XC6503D331MR-GSOT-2555dB@(1kHz) 500mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS11030.322571429
154866ZXCT1086E5TASOT-25SOT-25 Current Sense Amplifiers ROHS10641.23
2891265XC6209B332MR-GSOT-2570dB@(10kHz) 150mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 10V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS10560.182285714
460382AP7335-WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(1kHz) Adjustable 800mV~5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS9780.141142857
84228674AHCT1G04W5-7SOT-251 7.7ns@5V,50pF 1uA 4.5V~5.5V SOT-25 Inverters ROHS8200.069857143
46052074LVC1G07W5-7SOT-251 32mA 1.65V~5.5V 1 SOT-25 Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers ROHS8170.055857143
2762702TC4S584F.LFSOT-25SOT-25 Inverters ROHS8080.096428571
46052974LVC1G126W5-7SOT-2532mA 1 1.65V~5.5V 32mA 1 SOT-25 Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers ROHS7430.063
3001659AP22804AW5-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 50mΩ 2.5A 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS6370.146828571
46048774AHC1G08W5-7SOT-252V~5.5V 1uA 1 7.9ns@5V,50pF With Door SOT-25 Logic Gates ROHS5830.063428571
78482ZXCT1110W5-7SOT-25SOT-25 Current Sense Amplifiers ROHS4950.828571429
212322AP7331-WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(100Hz) Adjustable 800mV~5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS4360.112571429
725697XC6234H281VR-GSOT-2575dB@(1kHz) 200mA Fixed 2.8V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS4110.093714286
460565APX824-26W5G-7SOT-25140ms 1 SOT-25 Supervisor and Reset ICs ROHS3750.250571429
150711AP7331-25WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(100Hz) Fixed 2.5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS2920.075857143
151021AP7311-WG-7SOT-2565dB@(100Hz) 150mA Adjustable 800mV~5V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS2730.166142857
1869325D5V0L4B5SO-7SOT-25SOT-25 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2380.160428571
460566APX824-29W5G-7SOT-25140ms 1 SOT-25 Supervisor and Reset ICs ROHS2280.355714286
780751AP2141DWG-7SOT-252.7V~5.5V 95mΩ 500mA 1 SOT-25 Power Distribution Switches ROHS2200.22
5244536APX823-40W5G-7SOT-25140ms Active Low 1 SOT-25 Supervisor and Reset ICs ROHS1950.256428571
5553252AP7354-30W5-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 3V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1850.175857143
5588113AP7370-33W5-7SOT-25300mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 18V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1850.170571429
3746334AP7366-12W5-7SOT-25600mA Fixed 1.2V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1800.096
460310AP2112K-1.2TRG1SOT-25600mA Fixed 1.2V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1670.094571429
460375AP7331-10WG-7SOT-25300mA 65dB@(100Hz) Fixed 1V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1510.108428571
460309AP131-33WG-7SOT-2560dB@(100Hz) 300mA Fixed 3.3V 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1460.193857143
5183854AP7343DQ-33W5-7SOT-2575dB@(1kHz) 300mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 5.25V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1190.164285714
3743833XC6222D331MR-GSOT-2565dB@(1kHz) 700mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS1000.415714286
460363AP7115-12WG-7SOT-2570dB@(1kHz) 150mA Fixed 1.2V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS950.163571429
151412APX321WG-7SOT-25Single Channel 15nA 1MHz SOT-25 Operational Amplifier ROHS900.216571429
2067440APX823-46W5G-7SOT-25140ms Active Low 1 SOT-25 Supervisor and Reset ICs ROHS700.174285714
460563APX823-23W5G-7SOT-25140ms Active Low 1 SOT-25 Supervisor and Reset ICs ROHS690.302142857
84228874AHCT1G126W5-7SOT-258mA 1 4.5V~5.5V 8mA 1 SOT-25 Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers ROHS690.033714286
5249283ZXCT1082QE5TASOT-25SOT-25 Current Sense Amplifiers ROHS600.922857143
5358561TCR3UF30A,LMSOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS550.129285714
5563872AP7380-30W5-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 3V Positive electrode 24V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS500.146185714
6754600XC6233H331MR-GSOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS450.211428571
460754TL431AW5-7SOT-252.495V~36V ±1% 100mA Adjustable SOT-25 Voltage Reference ROHS440.131285714
6124433AP7370-33WR-7SOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS400.135428571
7214655AP2205-18W5-7SOT-25Diodes Incorporated AP2205-18W5-7310.924285714
127927AL8805W5-7SOT-25Step-down 1 DC-DCConverter 1A 6V~36V SOT-25 LED Drivers ROHS290.254428571
19223345XC9110C501MR-GSOT-25Boost type SOT-25 DC-DC Converters ROHS290.627142857
84229174AHCT1G86W5-7SOT-251uA 4.5V~5.5V 1 7.9ns@5V,50pF XORGate SOT-25 Logic Gates ROHS280.041142857
155729XC6206J302MR-GSOT-25200mA Fixed 3V Positive electrode 6V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS260.102
5553236AP7351D-18W5-7SOT-2560dB@(1kHz) 150mA Fixed 1.8V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS250.392857143
6125673AP7354-25W5-7SOT-25150mA Fixed 2.5V Positive electrode 5.5V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS200.197142857
6125675AP7354D-15W5-7SOT-25SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS200.197142857
6465600AP7315DQ-33W5-7SOT-2575dB@(1kHz) 150mA Fixed 3.3V Positive electrode 5.25V SOT-25 Voltage Regulators - Linear, Low Drop Out (LDO) Regulators ROHS200.118857143