JLCPCB In-Stock Parts Engine (Unofficial)home/components/list


242260MMBT3904TT1GSOT-41640V 300mW 100@10mA,1V 200mA NPN SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS2763100.044857143
3086482SC4617TLQSOT-41650V 150mW 120@1mA,6V 150mA NPN SOT-416F Bipolar (BJT) ROHS576020.027
161962EMZ6.8NTLSOT-4161 pair common anode 6.47V~7.14V 150mW 6.8V SOT-416 Zener Diodes ROHS53080.084857143
111728DTC143ZETLSOT-41680@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS51240.019714286
3379832SC5585TLSOT-41612V 150mW 270@10mA,2V 500mA NPN SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS34340.067285714
111721DTC114YETLSOT-41668@5mA,5V 150mW 70mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS32350.026
112135DTA123JETLSOT-41680@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS29130.028714286
253313DAP222WMTLSOT-41680V 1 pair common anode 1.2V@100mA 4ns 100mA SOT-416 Switching Diodes ROHS27350.039571429
82042MMBT3906TT1GSOT-41640V 200mW 100@10mA,1V 200mA PNP SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS23220.033428571
796092SA1774TLRSOT-41650V 150mW 180@1mA,6V 150mA PNP SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS18130.027857143
111723DTC123JETLSOT-41680@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS15200.028428571
2994790DTC143TETLSOT-416100@1mA,5V 1 NPN - bias preset 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS5760.027714286
111716DTA144EETLSOT-41668@5mA,5V 150mW 30mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS5270.030142857
525568DTC124EEBTLSOT-41656@5mA,5V 150mW 30mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS5020.026571429
509859DTA023EEBTLSOT-41620@20mA,10V 1 PNP pre-bias 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS2960.046714286
111711DTA114EETLSOT-41630@5mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS2110.029142857
253310DAN222TLSOT-41680V 1 pair of common cathodes 1.2V@100mA 4ns 100mA SOT-416 Switching Diodes ROHS2040.042714286
253311DAN222WMTLSOT-41680V 1 pair of common cathodes 1.2V@100mA 4ns 100mA SOT-416 Switching Diodes ROHS1810.035142857
253319DTC143XETLSOT-41630@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS1470.028428571
5097892SA1774TLQSOT-41650V 150mW 120@1mA,6V 150mA PNP SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS1180.037285714
600679DTA143ZETLSOT-41680@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS1040.022571429
27661492SC4617TLSSOT-41650V 150mW 120@1mA,6V 150mA NPN SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS820.036285714
184371DAN217WTLSOT-41680V 1 pair in series 1.2V@100mA 4ns 100mA SOT-416 Switching Diodes ROHS740.023428571
525566DTA043ZEBTLSOT-41680@5mA,10V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS690.041571429
509877DTC114TETLSOT-416100@1mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS660.027714286
5074682SCR502EBTLSOT-41630V 150mW 200@100mA,2V 500mA NPN SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS620.040714286
509961RE1E002SPTCLSOT-41630V 250mA 1.4Ω@250mA,10V 150mW 2.5V@1mA 1PCSPChannel SOT-416 MOSFETs ROHS620.059571429
253315DTC014YEBTLSOT-41680@5mA,10V 150mW 70mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS350.020857143
111722DTC123EETLSOT-41620@20mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS300.029285714
509864DTA044EEBTLSOT-41680@5mA,10V 1 PNP pre-bias 150mW 30mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS300.055428571
253312DAP222TLSOT-41680V 1 pair common anode 1.2V@100mA 4ns 100mA SOT-416 Switching Diodes ROHS290.121714286
509874DTC043EEBTLSOT-41620@5mA,10V 1 NPN - bias preset 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS210.030857143
509943RB548WTLSOT-41630V 1 pair in series 450mV@10mA 100mA SOT-416 Schottky Diodes ROHS160.156128571
184647DTA123YETLSOT-41633@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS90.029142857
5097922SAR523EBTLSOT-41650V 150mW 120@1mA,6V 100mA PNP SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS80.028571429
184496DTC123YETLSOT-41633@10mA,5V 150mW 100mA 50V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS70.016428571
79603DTD713ZETLSOT-416140@100mA,2V 150mW 200mA 30V SOT-416 Digital Transistors ROHS40.075142857
29092722SD2654TLVSOT-41650V 150mW 820@1mA,5V 150mA NPN SOT-416 Bipolar (BJT) ROHS30.103