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Filtering by subcategory: ESD Protection Devices
7420372H5VL10BDFN1006-2L5A 50W 10V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS12319970.005214286
96512ESD9B3.3ST5GSOD-9232A 11.5V 5V Bidirectional 3.3V SOD-923 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS6753690.041142857
110695PESDNC2FD5VBSDFN10065A 9.5V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS5682100.006557143
3008120ESD5Z5.0T1G-MSSOD-5239.4A 174W 18.6V 6.2V 5V SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS4619160.010314286
2936977ESD5451NDFN1006-210V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS3736540.008885714
3160490402ESDA-05N040250V Bidirectional 5V 0402 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2940340.017285714
907837RCLAMP0524PDFN2510-104.5A 17V 6.8V Unidirectional 5V DFN2510-10 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2939480.031142857
110694PESDNC2FD5VBDFN10065.5A 15V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2904240.006057143
5199184PESD5V0S1BB-ESSOD5238A 80W 10V 5.8V Bidirectional 5V SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2459320.014714286
2827654USBLC6-2SC6SOT-23-66A 12V 150W 6V Unidirectional 5V SOT-23-6 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2412120.035428571
2841442ESD5302FSOT-23-3SOT-23-3 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2370990.033285714
316059BPESD0402-05ST040240V Bidirectional 5V 0402 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2193580.018428571
110704PESDUC2FD5VBDFN10065.5A 21V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2074030.016
2892490KLXES15AAA1040240V Bidirectional 5V 0402 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2051220.015
2827735PESD5V0V1BLDFN1006DFN1006 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS2013360.009628571
7420375SM712SOT-2312A 15V 300W Bidirectional SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1805220.058
5261083PESD5V0S1BASOD-32311A 8V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1797150.015
5180249USBLC6-2SC6-ESSOT23-64.5A 75W 15V 6V Unidirectional 5V SOT-23-6L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1676040.024428571
558418SRV05-4SOT-23-63A 60W 20V 6V Unidirectional 5V SOT-23-6 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1574780.021571429
5126794SELC2F5V1BDFN1006-2L4A 18V 6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1499600.012585714
383211LESD5D5.0CT1GSOD-5239.4A 18.6V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1496300.018571429
5180294PSM712-ESSOT-2317A 350W Bidirectional SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1487950.028
239604ESD5451N-2/TRDFN1006-2LDFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1450430.011828571
5180312SMF05CT1G-ESSOT-3638A 100W 15V 6V Unidirectional 5V SOT-363 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1421700.023
7519USBLC6-2SC6SOT-23-65A 17V 6V Unidirectional 5.25V SOT-23-6 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1366960.103
7420373H5VL06BDFN0603-2L8A 10V 80W 5.6V Bidirectional 5V DFN0603-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1361720.008457143
5180236RCLAMP0524P-ESDFN2510-10L4.5A 60W 12V 6V Unidirectional 5V DFN2510-10L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1340890.026285714
5199207CDSOT23-SM712-ESSOT-2317A 350W Bidirectional SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1309290.023428571
2836319SRV05-4SOT-23-615V 60W 9V 5V SOT-23-6 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1289820.022571429
2835428ULC0524PDFN2510-10DFN2510-10 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1267140.034142857
2827694PESD5V0S1BASOD-323SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1198190.029428571
5180216PESD5V0S1BA-ESSOD-3238A 80W 11V 6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1116850.015
239558ESD5451X-2/TRFBP-02CFBP-02C ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1114100.013957143
2802295ESD5451N-MSDFN10068A 10V 80W 8.4V 5V DFN1006 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1106750.007728571
3021106ESD5341NDFN1006-2DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1096380.023571429
5126804SEUC10F5V4UDFN2510-10L4.5A 12V 6V Unidirectional 3.3V DFN2510-10L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1022920.019142857
5180263RCLAMP0521T-ESDFN1006-2L4A 80W 18V 6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS1006470.011742857
136167LESD5Z5.0CT1GSOD-5239.4A 18.6V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS994710.014857143
5180211GBLC05C-ESSOD-32312A 300W 21V 6.5V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS964270.035714286
3160540603ESDA-05N060350V Bidirectional 5V 0603 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS956700.017571429
5180230ESD9B3.3ST5G-ESSOD-9236A 80W 10V 3.7V Bidirectional 3.3V SOD-923 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS928480.013985714
2836312BV05C-MSSOD-32318A 18V 6V 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS908620.036
477989PESD5V0H1BSFDSN0603-2DSN0603-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS878560.031571429
194628TPD4E1U06DCKRSOT-3633A 45W 15V 6.5V Unidirectional 5.5V SOT-363 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS838700.050428571
2682268TPESD9B5.0ST5GSOD-923SOD-923 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS834260.025571429
5122012CDSOT23-SM712SOT-23SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS810850.055714286
5199224ESD5V0APSOT-2316A 350W 20V 6V Unidirectional 5V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS794290.018714286
343998PESD5V0S2BTSOT-2320A 16V 6V 5V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS777940.058571429
5199191ESD5341N-ESDFN1006-2L4A 80W 15V 6V Unidirectional 5V DFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS758970.014714286
2931147SD15SOD-323SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS727840.018
552583PESD5V0V1BA,115SOD-32345W 12.5V 5.8V 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS680620.028285714
521963SM712SOT-237A 150W Bidirectional SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS679050.037
5180279USBLC6-4SC6-ESSOT23-64.5A 60W 12V 6V Unidirectional 5V SOT-23-6L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS655450.019
2827682PESD3V3L1BASOD-32335A 400W 12V 6V Bidirectional 3.3V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS624060.038
2875160ESD9X5VUX1-DFN1006-2X1-DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS621850.024
2841841BV05CSOD-323SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS585010.037285714
136165LESD9D5.0CT5GSOD-9239.4A 18.6V 5.6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-923 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS583210.017285714
5180311NUP2105LT1G-ESSOT-238A 450W 48V 26.5V Bidirectional 24V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS582180.031428571
3008119ESD5Z3.3T1G-MSSOD-52311.2A 14.1V 200W 5V 3.3V SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS575000.011114286
2835421D5V0L1B2TSOD-523SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS556780.021714286
2687123PSD05C-LF-T7SOD-323SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS550490.030285714
7473167PESD0402-140040214V 14V 0402 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS550350.032142857
78439UDD32C03L01SOD-32319A 15V 4V Bidirectional 3.3V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS549790.03
970008TPESD5451NDFN1006-2DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS542660.009957143
2858716PESD1LINSOD-323SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS533900.025857143
7420374H5VU25UDFN2510-10L4A 14V 56W 6V Unidirectional 5V DFN2510-10L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS524410.028142857
2858724PESD5V0L2BTSOT-23SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS519670.040571429
5199172BV05C-ESSOD32312A 300W 21V 6.5V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS512590.035714286
22643CESD5V0D3 ZASOD-32315A 15.5V 6.2V Unidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS511120.020428571
343993PESD1CANSOT-236A 48V 26.7V Bidirectional 24V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS510760.068571429
2995323SMF05CSOT-363100W 15.5V 6V 5V SOT-363 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS509390.036857143
3008054RClamp0524P.TCT-MSSLP2510-84A 15V 60W 6V 5V SLP2510-8 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS495950.023
2925441SMBJ30CASMB12.4A 600W 48.4V 33.3V 30V SMB ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS486140.043285714
5199205UAD8C05L01-ESDFN1006-2L4A 18V 6V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS472740.015142857
2987696ESD5451NDFN1006-2DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS468570.008914286
84276PESD3V3S2UT,215SOT-2318A 20V 5.2V Unidirectional 3.3V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS465640.043285714
3011179PSD05C-LF-T7SOD-323SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS462240.030857143
119072CESDBLC5V0D7SOD-7235A 10V 5.8V Bidirectional 5V SOD-723 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS457590.018285714
2892495KESD5311X040240V Bidirectional 5V 0402 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS456320.017428571
2835445ESD9N12BAX1-DFN1006-2X1-DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS454560.018
2836381ESD5302F-MSSOT-234A 15V 60W 9V 5V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS449540.030285714
558615TPESD0402G05V040240V Bidirectional 5V 0402 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS448410.027142857
5261080ESD5451NDFN1006-2L9A 9.8V 8V Bidirectional 5V DFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS446900.007957143
2931138MMBZ6V8ALT1GSOT-23SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS443660.022428571
5199160PESD3V3L1BA-ESSOD32330A 250W 15V 3.5V Bidirectional 3.3V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS441560.028142857
85377PESD3V3S1UB,115SOD-52318A 330W 20V 5.2V Unidirectional 3.3V SOD-523 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS438160.036714286
2925451SMBJ6.0CASMB58.3A 600W 10.3V 6.67V 6V SMB ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS436980.042428571
907861TPD4S010DQARDFN2510-10DFN2510-10 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS436510.046571429
75176PESD2CAN,215SOT-235A 230W 41V 26.2V Bidirectional 24V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS436240.057714286
85380PESD5V0L1BA,115SOD-32315A 500W 33V 7V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS435640.038571429
3021131ESDA6V8AV6SOT-563SOT-563 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS434480.084857143
316024PESD15VL2BT-NSOT-23SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS432850.070714286
14486NUP2105LT1GSOT-23350W 44V 26.2V 24V SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS429350.078571429
907858SD05CSOD-32320A 9V 300W 6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS427410.036857143
3160560603ESDA-24N060350V Bidirectional 24V 0603 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS417430.016571429
1884584SD05CSOD-32330A 12V 450W 6V Bidirectional 5V SOD-323 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS407640.023285714
3040624SM05T1GHSOT-23SOT-23 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS406020.050857143
2987694LESD8D5.0CAT5GDFN1006-2DFN1006-2 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS403610.0078
5199180ESD9L5.0ST5G-ESSOD9234A 45W 12V 6V Unidirectional 5V SOD-923 ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS401460.020285714
496539PESDNC2FD4V5BDFN1006-2LDFN1006-2L ESD and Surge Protection (TVS/ESD) ROHS399410.011128571